A True Buddhist
When I reviewed my notes from a sermon given by a respected senior monk during my research for this book, I incidentally came monk during my research for this book,
What are the Characteristics of Untrained Mind?
When the mind is obscured by defilements, it is constricted like being imprisoned in a small dark room. Just as one who is imprisoned alone becomes paranoid about possible dangers, the first impulse will be to save his own skin.
อบรม Superviser รอบ Beginner Course ม.พะเยา
ชมรมพุทธศาสตร์สากลฯ จัดอบรม Superviser รอบ Beginner Course โครงการตอบปัญหาธรรมะทางก้าวหน้าครั้งที่ 31 ณ มหาวิทยาลัยพะเยา จังหวัดพะเยา
How to Manage Family Life #4
Body like a doormat means dedication all of one’s energy and dedicating one’s life to performing good deeds with virtuous actions
Core Value # 10: Wise enlightened ones exist
If someone whose mind has been illuminated by a proper understanding of the nine previous sorts of core value has the chance to meet up with a wise ‘good friend ‘ [kalyanamitta], they will appreciate how the level of illumination in their ownn mind has increased as the result of behaviour.
The Peaceful Mind Begins from Being Good
A good person is a person with a clean or pure mind. A pure mind enables anyone to know how to respond well to his duty and to our society. There is goodness within every human being. How do we encourage bringing this goodness into consistent practice?
ผลการปฏิบัติธรรมพระธรรมทายาท ประครอง สนฺติธโร
พระธรรมทายาท ประครอง สนฺติธโร อายุ 20 ปีศึกษาอยู่คณะสาธารณสุขศาสตร์ กำลังจะขึ้นชั้นปีที่ 2 มหาวิทยาลัยมหาสารคาม
How to Manage Family Life #2
An independent person is a person with knowledge, ability and virtue. In summary, this person must have Dhamma for Laypersons
How to Find Happiness
When your mind comes to an absolute standstill at the center of your body, no thought arises. Then, you will experience the brightness at the center of your body, it is the natural brightness of the pure mind.
Most people think that white lying houldn’t be sinful. How can we explain it to them so that they can understand this correctly?
Most people think that lying to ease other’s feeling, as when a doctor conceal the truth from a severely ill patient in order to ease their mind, shouldn’t be sinful. How can we explain it to them so that they can understand this correctly?